Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Art and Design

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Here at LCPS we believe that art offers opportunities for the children to explore, express and communicate their feelings whilst gaining experiences of the wider world. Through experiencing art, children develop their creativity, self-esteem and confidence.  Our children receive a high quality art education to engage and inspire them to develop a love of art and design.  All children have the opportunity to develop an enjoyment of art and design; develop and extend their visual creativity, curiosity and enquiry; and express their personal creativity in a unique way, which is always valued. 

Every term the children study an artist and research their life and work. These artists have included the sculptor Robert Morris and Josef Albers. The children explore art from across the ages, including art from the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt and modern art such as the work by Teis Albers. They have the opportunity to create sculptures, learning how to join 2D and 3D shapes together , including the use of tabs, slots and modelling wire.  The drawing element develops a multitude of skills, including learning how to shade with accuracy to create light and dark in their work, how to blend tones, compose a  frottage image. Through the study of paint and mixed media, the children develop the use of charcoal, create their own paint palettes using natural materials and explore collage. The craft and design element provides opportunities for weaving, creating printed fabrics and printing.


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We use Kapow for our scheme of work. If you wish to view the scheme please contact the school.