Calderbrook Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 9HW

01706 378556

Littleborough Community Primary School and Nursery

Bringing Out The Best In Every Child

Year 4 Summer Term


This term we are covering a range of writing genres from narrative and poetry to journalistic writing and persuasive writing, 



 During the maths lessons, children will continue to follow the Power Maths Scheme. We will be looking more at the different arithmetic methods and how to use the formal written methods for these types of questions and also learn other methods to help us explain our thinking in more reasoning and problem solving activities.

A heavy emphasis is still placed upon learning the rest of the times tables up to 12 x 12. Plus they will be revisiting the times tables they have learnt before in a fun and challenging manner. At every opportunity, the children will have the chance to practice on a computer for the timestable test they will sit in June. Please support us with this as it is the keying of the numbers which children are struggling with the most. The more they practise, the more at ease they will feel and the more accurate they will become.

It would be very beneficial if you practise telling the time with your child. They are expected to be able to tell the time using both the analogue and digital clock and convert time between both methods. For example: 'If an activity begins as 17.10 and finishes at 5 to 6. How long did the activity last?' This is still a very important skill.



In Science we are learning about Electricity and Habitats. We will be planning lots of fun activities. The children will have the opportunity to consider sound waves and measure the sound in different environments as well as finding out interesting facts about how it travels. The children will have hands on experience of different animals in their habitats and relate this to databases.



This half term, we will be looking at the topic 'Were the Vikings raiders, traders or settlers?'. We will begin by looking at where the Vikings came from before they settled in Britain and we will discuss why they chose to come to Britain. We will then look at how the Vikings travelled and identify the features of the longboat, Finally we will look at how the Vikings lived and discuss whether they were raiders, traders or settlers. 



During computing, we will continue to embed e-safety and ensure all children understand the rules when working online and how to be safe when online, look more in depth at digital literacy and being able to use and apply our computing skills in a number of different ways.

In addition to this, the children will learn about databases and create their  own spreadsheet. They will also continue to embed their skills when combining text and graphics. They will learn how to animate and how to design and create their own leaflet by using place holders.


Games / PE

PE will be delivered this term through Ed Start. Summer 1 the children will be taking part in athletics and during Summer 2, striking and field games. It is imperative that the children come to school in the correct school PE uniform and if they have hair that sits at their shoulder, ensure it is tied back. Jewellery should NOT be worn. 



During PSHRE, the children will learn about the wider world. Their learning question is: How can our choices make a different to others and the environment? Please refer back to the leaflet you were sent at the beginning of the year. This is also on the website for you to refer to.



During our R.E. lessons we will be learning about different religions and asking the question ‘What is it like to be a Hindu in ’ The children will have the opportunity to reflect on their own belief systems. By learning in more detail, we endeavour for the children to become tolerant of each other and of different faiths in our community.



During our art lessons we will be studying the artist Paul Cezanne. We will also be recapping the skills we have learnt and apply this to the sketching of still life. 



Our DT unit links with our Science work on electricity. The children understand how a circuit works and how to construct a simple circuit. The children have appraised a range of torches and will design and create their own. We are very excited for this! We will then design a mindfulness moments timer linked to the Digital World unit of work.